Looking at the XenDesktop 7.9 ISO they still haven’t included the Share Management Object library SharedManagementObjects installers from the SQL 2014 Feature Pack.
Given that the files are backwards compatible, I would recommend replacing them in your ISO/install folder for any future projects, as I’m seeing a lot more clients using SQL Server 2014 these days, or calling it out in upcoming designs.
Files can be found here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42295 grab both x86 and x64 (save to different locations as they have the same name).
This will give you support for SQL 2008R2 up to 2014.
If you use an incompatible version when creating the Farm, you’ll get an error similar to “Cannot write Property Collation. This Property is not available on SQL Server 7.0”.
More info here (http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX132438)