Citrix XenApp 6.5 from

Citrix XenApp 6.5 Links

I’ve been doing a heap of work with a new Citrix XenApp 6.5 deployment using single sign on, here are a bunch of links that helped me get everything up and running.

Citrix XenApp 6.5 from HiMikeBrown.comConfigure Pass-through Authentication for Citrix XenApp 6.5

Citrix Profile Management and VDI – Doing it Right!
Some useful stuff about getting folder redirection working.
Configure URLs for online plugin

A Field Guide to XenApp 6.5 Session Pre-Launch
This gives a great explination of what pre-launch is too.

XenApp applications won’t launch in a PVS environment with multiple network interfaces

Removing hidden or ghosted devices from a Windows virtual machine (2010145)
Useful if you’ve cloned or P2Ved a machine.

How to Set Up Session Sharing Precedence Over Load Balancing in a XenApp Farm
Useful for prelaunch and when you have non concurrent licensing.

Automatic creation of user folders for home, roaming profile and redirected folders
Why you would try to do this manually I don’t know.

Security Recommendations for Roaming User Profiles Shared Folders

Load balance XML brokers through Netscaler
How to fix the latency issue with load balanced XML Brokers through netscaler (TL;DR enable UDP 137 to your virtual server IP)

Understanding Citrix XML Broker
A good overview of how all the XML bits work

How to Use the Command Line to Install the Version 11.2 Plug-in or Later
Pretty much required to get SSO working (unless you’re running the Enterprise version)

Why You Shouldn’t Install Citrix Receiver on Citrix XenApp
Only true if you don’t use session pre-launch!

Reduce application launch time with Session Pre Launch

XenApp 6/6.5 Profile Optimization

Customize the default local user profile when preparing an image of Windows
This seems like way more of a pain in the ass than it needs to be.

To specify a template or mandatory profile for Citrix User Profile Manager

UPMConfigCheck Tool

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Mike Streetz is a Citrix Consultant who works with everyone from small businesses to large enterprises to help their users get work done via Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. He has been working in the Citrix space for over 15 years. Mike knows that your users don’t want long logon times, don’t want long waits for files and don’t enjoy when “Citrix is slow”. His job is to help you get the most out of your Citrix environment. Mike has worked with clients to optimize user experience by using tools such as FSLogix alongside Citrix ADC with Global Server Load Balancing to point users to the fastest site to serve their needs. Mike is a Citrix Technology Advocate, CUGC Leader of the Los Angeles chapter, Citrix Certified Professional in Citrix Cloud, Virtual Apps and Desktops and Citrix ADC and holds the Azure Administrator Associate certification. He has previously spoken at the Ruxcon security conference in Australia.